Silhouette Necklaces and Portraits

There are so many projects you can do with silhouettes, in fact it's a very old, classic idea that you don't see very often anymore (especially in schools) due to large class sizes and lack of time. I do remember even my own teacher doing this for us in the second grade the old fashioned way, us having to hold still and sit in front of a projector while being traced onto a large piece of paper. And let's face it; in large numbers, this old process is not real practical.

So, for our busy life styles, and for a more modern approach, with yet the same result, this can be done by digital means.

Being that silhouettes are my favorite, I took on this large project with my daughter for mother's day gifts for over 60 children. So that they could be left with, hopefully, a similar memory that I have of elementary school, and so that parents could rekindle this very old but familiar craft.

         We would love to help you create some memories as well. If you'd like to buy a silhouette portrait please visit My Etsy Shop